Monday 26 July 2010

The Bee Up Close and Personal

As a Christian I just love taking photos of God Creation because it is always changing from day-to-day, I'm always amazed by the amount of detail he has put in to it from the biggest mountains to the smallest insects like the Bee.
The Bee is a wonderful insect which gives us Honey and Helps to pollinate the flowers that then go on to produce fruit like Apples, strawberries, Plums and many many more.
When I took these photos i couldnt believe how much their is to a Bee and how they work. Most of us just take them for granted or kill them because we think they are going to sting us but a Bee will only sting if it feels its threatened by something and then it dies, so the best thing to do is leave it alone and just look at them and think what an amazing insect they are and enjoy what they bring us, You never know one day we might need and them but they maybe gone.

Monday 28 June 2010

Red Moon Over Kent

After Enjoying at wonderful afternoon and evening with my girlfriend at Teston Picnic area and walking along the River Medway, we were driving back down Linton Hill when looking southeast I saw a wonderful full moon. Now I love looking at full moons especially when they are big and bright, well it wasn't very big this evening or bright but it had a lovely red/orange colour to it. The only time I have seen these are late summer evening or autum onces so when I so saw it I knew I had to get a photo of it. I hope you enjoy looking at this wonderful Moon. I know I did.